The Story Behind The Third Day Soaps Garden Wellness Brand.
This November 5, 2023, I will celebrate 20 years as a soap maker. November 5, 2003 was the day I made my first Olive Oil Castile batch of soap. I hand mixed it with a wooden spoon and trickled in lavender essential oils. Soapmaking was a source of comfort for me, especially after the passing of my mother a few months prior. It helped me through my grieving process and has also rewarded me with a way to make a living. It has truly been a blessing in my life. I am grateful for the journey and look forward to continuing to create and share my passion with others.
You'll never know what things will inspire you along the way of life. Soap making did this for me. It taught me patience. To look at how life can change in an instant. Soap making taught me that love comes in many forms, shades and colors. Most of all it taught me everything changes and with patience it becomes more beautiful with time
Soap making has been a journey of self-discovery for me. It has taught me patience as I learned the art of mixing and blending ingredients, and waiting for the soap to cure. It has reminded me that life can change in an instant, and that we must be open to new experiences and opportunities. Through soap making, I have come to realize that love takes many forms, shades, and colors. It can be found in the small details, like the way the colors swirl together in a batch of soap, or in the way the scent of lavender essential oil can transport me back to a peaceful moment. Above all, soap making has taught me that everything changes, but with patience and care, it can become more beautiful with time. It's a life lesson that I am grateful to have learned.
Cynthia L. Hill Founder & President Third Day Soaps Garden Wellness, LLC